Oil Pulling

olive oil

Funny how things can seem new to you but when you research them, you find they have been around for years. This is true with oil pulling. Supposedly, it has been around before the toothbrush! Do you know what that is? It is using an edible oil in your mouth and swishing it around for […]

Food Poisoning

Have you ever suffered from food poisoning? I just had it and can’t blame a restaurant. I did it to myself! I left ground turkey out to defrost too long on my counter and decided I wasn’t hungry for that, so I actually put it back in the fridge and took it out the next […]

Streamlining Your Life

I believe a part of clean living is having less to worry about. Streamlining. To me this has always been a part of my life. I can’t have too many things going on at the same time, chaos at my house, drama with friends or clutter. I have learned that I function best when my […]

Grapefruit Seed Extract

Grapefruit seed extract is a natural substance has been gaining popularity over the years for its amazing health benefits – from helping with skin conditions to aiding digestion and providing antimicrobial protection – making it an ideal choice for both preventive maintenance and reactive care when needed. So why is using grapefruit seed extract beneficial? […]

Amla Powder

Are you looking for a nutritional supplement to help support your journey towards good health? Have you heard of Amla powder and its many potential benefits? Amla powder (also known as Indian gooseberry) is an ancient superfood that has been used in Ayurvedic medicine for centuries: not only providing an array of essential vitamins like […]


Goldenseal has been around for a long time and is one of the highest selling herbal supplements in the USA. It has been part of traditional medicine for thousands of years. Native Americans use the root for its benefits but the flowers and leaves can also be used. They also used the plant for coloring. […]


Elderberry has been around for centuries and is known as one of the top antiviral herbs on our planet. It is native to Europe, Africa and parts of Asia. Elderberry fruit contains quercetin (Which is anti carcinogenic, anti inflammatory and anti viral), rutin (also known as vitamin P) as well as flavonoids which can help […]


Many of you have heard of this popular herb. Echinacea is native to north America and was used 400 years ago by the Great Plains Indian tribes. You have probably walked by a plant as it is a gardeners favorite and butterflies love it! There are many varieties but it is considered a coneflower and […]

Natural Ways to Boost Your Immune System

Keeping your immune system strong is one of the best ways to stay healthy and ward off illnesses such as colds and flu. Luckily, there are many natural ways you can boost your immune system without having to rely on over the counter medications. Let’s look at oils, herbs, supplements, homeopathic remedies, and even certain […]

Eggs, why do we refrigerate them here but not in Europe?

It may be something you have not thought of, but you know me.. I am always wondering why people do what they do. They don’t refrigerate eggs in Europe… they leave them in baskets or on the counter! I started to research and ask questions. Don’t we all have the same eggs? Why do we […]